[I was alone, falling free, trying my best not to forget, what happened to us, what happened to me, what happened as I let it slip, I was confused by the powers that be, forgetting names and faces, passers were looking at me, as if they could erase it.] - baby, did you forget to take your meds?
- space-swiffer-set.
- das mäusemenü für die lebendmausefalle.
- das faltige sommerkleid.
- online again.
- over and out.
- space-swiffer-set.
- das mäusemenü für die lebendmausefalle.
- das faltige sommerkleid.
- online again.
- over and out.
tscheburaschka - am Dienstag, 28. März 2006, 19:26 - Rubrik: soischz
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